Largest Producer of Shotgun Instructional Videos in the World -- Developer & Exclusive User of the "EYE-Cam" |
Mastering Your Skeet Game with Paul Giambrone, lll
NSSA Hall of Fame member and Master Skeet Instructor Paul
“L.P.” Giambrone, lll shares his knowledge and experience with you in this 140
minute video presentation. Paul has
helped hundreds of students reach their all-american team goals and has coached
several shooters to win their first World Title. No matter where you are in your game, this
presentation will help every shooter and coach gain knowledge of the game of
skeet, how to fix common mistakes on each shot and how to use the mental game
to give you the advantage over your competitors. Sunrise Productions’ EYE-Cam ®
allows the viewer to see Paul’s every shot.
140 min.
$69.95 ea. |
 Preview Video
Mastering Your Skeet Game with Paul Giambrone, lll
NSSA Hall of Fame member and Master Skeet Instructor Paul
“L.P.” Giambrone, lll shares his knowledge and experience with you in this 140
minute video presentation. Paul has
helped hundreds of students reach their all-american team goals and has coached
several shooters to win their first World Title. No matter where you are in your game, this
presentation will help every shooter and coach gain knowledge of the game of
skeet, how to fix common mistakes on each shot and how to use the mental game
to give you the advantage over your competitors. Sunrise Productions’ EYE-Cam ®
allows the viewer to see Paul’s every shot.
Todd Bender's Championship Skeet
In this latest instructional skeet presentation, Todd Bender demonstrates once again why he is the most sought after and successful skeet instructor and coach in the history of the sport. Championship Skeet is a masterstroke of instruction, an in-depth discussion of the fundamentals required to master the sport. Todd explains how to efficiently use your eyes, regardless of your age; he explains station by station how to execute the perfect move on all skeet targets. Sunrise Productions’ EYE-Cam®, which allows you to see what Todd sees down the gun barrel, gives you a visual image of how to execute the perfect shot.
If you are just taking up the sport and shooting for your first twenty-five straight or have hopes of winning at the World, you will glean points and insights that will help achieve your goal.
150 Minutes
$69.95 ea. |
 Preview Video
Todd Bender's Championship Skeet
In this latest instructional skeet presentation, Todd Bender demonstrates once again why he is the most sought after and successful skeet instructor and coach in the history of the sport. Championship Skeet is a masterstroke of instruction, an in-depth discussion of the fundamentals required to master the sport. Todd explains how to efficiently use your eyes, regardless of your age; he explains station by station how to execute the perfect move on all skeet targets. Sunrise Productions’ EYE-Cam®, which allows you to see what Todd sees down the gun barrel, gives you a visual image of how to execute the perfect shot.
If you are just taking up the sport and shooting for your first twenty-five straight or have hopes of winning at the World, you will glean points and insights that will help achieve your goal.
Todd Bender's Championship Doubles
Todd Bender, one of the best Doubles shooters in sport, shoots at night under the best lighted skeet fields in the country, to graphically represent his well refined techniques developed over 40 years of competing and coaching the sport. This new DVD features new viewing angles, more comprehensive and detailed discussions on the mechanics of shooting Skeet Doubles, with insights on all of the elements necessary to be successful in winning at Doubles. Todd also discusses new information on how the eyes work in Doubles, to help the beginner, all the way to those competing at the World Championships. Now the best coaching DVDs available are clearer and more concise than ever.
90 Minutes
$69.95 ea. |
 Preview Video
Todd Bender's Championship Doubles
Todd Bender, one of the best Doubles shooters in sport, shoots at night under the best lighted skeet fields in the country, to graphically represent his well refined techniques developed over 40 years of competing and coaching the sport. This new DVD features new viewing angles, more comprehensive and detailed discussions on the mechanics of shooting Skeet Doubles, with insights on all of the elements necessary to be successful in winning at Doubles. Todd also discusses new information on how the eyes work in Doubles, to help the beginner, all the way to those competing at the World Championships. Now the best coaching DVDs available are clearer and more concise than ever.
Todd Bender Skeet Set
Both of the above Todd Bender Skeet DVDs, Save $10.00
4 Hr.
$129.90 ea. |
Todd Bender Skeet Set
Both of the above Todd Bender Skeet DVDs, Save $10.00
Paul Giambrone's, The Mental Game and Skeet Doubles
Once you have solid fundamentals in your singles game, we know the rest is mental focus and executing doubles in a pressured environment. This new DVD gives you Paul Giambrone, III’s method of shooting skeet doubles and how it can be applied to your game. This doubles method will show you how to win championships and have the mind set to be successful. Paul is the only shooter to ever post a perfect season in doubles (2009) and currently holds the long-run record at 952 (2008-2010).. Do you think he can help your doubles game? Paul also brings in his mental coach, Bob Palmer, for discussion of techniques to improve your mental game. Bob gave Paul several tools to work with which helped Paul have his best season ever! In Paul’s 2012 skeet season, he posted the second highest HOA average in history and shot 4-400X400s including one 400 with the .410! Paul and Bob both discuss exercises and some common questions and answers to help you improve your mental game. Paul is a certified NSSA Master Level Instructor and has been instructing students for many years. He has over 20 years of experience in the game and can help you get to the next level.
Paul Giambrone,lll, Skeet Set
Both of the above Paul Giambrone,lll Skeet DVDs, Save $10.00
3 Hr. and 20 Min.
$119.90 ea. |
Paul Giambrone,lll, Skeet Set
Both of the above Paul Giambrone,lll Skeet DVDs, Save $10.00
3 Hr. and 20 Min.
$119.90 ea. |
Shot Analyses for Skeet- Theories of Coaching with Todd Bender
This presentation compliments our current and best selling series of DVDs on skeet shooting. The first DVDs in the series were instructional in nature. This DVD takes the next step, giving the viewer direction in how to self-diagnose their game.
We start by looking at a methodology of how to analyze shots, make assessments, and take the appropriate action. This DVD will improve your ability to recognize and solve problems in your game and for others. Learn the how's and why's of particular mistakes, and how to correct them. We then finish our discussion with an overview of coaching and how to pass good information on to others.
Todd Bender is the "Coaches' Coach". He has taught clay target shooting worldwide for over 25 years. Todd was the first Master Instructor for the National Skeet Shooting Association, is a certified coach by England's Clay Pigeon Shooting Association, and is an Honorary Fellow in England's Institute of Clay Shooting Instructors.
$59.95 ea. |
 Preview Video
Shot Analyses for Skeet- Theories of Coaching with Todd Bender
This presentation compliments our current and best selling series of DVDs on skeet shooting. The first DVDs in the series were instructional in nature. This DVD takes the next step, giving the viewer direction in how to self-diagnose their game.
We start by looking at a methodology of how to analyze shots, make assessments, and take the appropriate action. This DVD will improve your ability to recognize and solve problems in your game and for others. Learn the how's and why's of particular mistakes, and how to correct them. We then finish our discussion with an overview of coaching and how to pass good information on to others.
Todd Bender is the "Coaches' Coach". He has taught clay target shooting worldwide for over 25 years. Todd was the first Master Instructor for the National Skeet Shooting Association, is a certified coach by England's Clay Pigeon Shooting Association, and is an Honorary Fellow in England's Institute of Clay Shooting Instructors.
Direct inquiries to sales@sunriseproductions.us
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